Become an Event Sponsor


The demographics for San Marcos show over 41% of the entire population is Hispanic.   This historic event could be your chance to promote your business to the largest single-growing segment of our population.

Imagine an event where you can speak one-on-one with 5-10,000  potential clients, friends, and buyers.  Moreover, the attendees get a chance to be introduced to your products and services.  This is certain to be a fun, family-friendly event where they can learn about you while the community learns more about their culture.

The momentum is already starting.  Event partners are already seeing the potential this can have for their business.  Sign up now!

This event is promoted by local business leaders and partners like yourself who want to help create a positive community where diversity creates synergy.

¡Todos Ganan!

Diamond Sponsor – $10,000
  • Signature Collaboration: Prominently positioned as “Fiesta San Marcos, in collaboration with “Your Company” name in all major references.
  • Logo Placement: Stand out with a full-color logo on all promotional material.
  • Main Stage: Prominent and Permanent Logo Placement including the electronic video screens on both sides of the stage, commensurate with your Diamond Sponsorship status.
  • Main Stage Video Screen Placement: Company logo or digital art placement
  • Signage: Three 4’ X 8’ and two 4’ X 4’ premium sign locations 
  • Memorial: Receive an elegant Lucite memorial gift, showcasing the event logo, name, and date, alongside your name, logo, and contribution, as a lasting tribute to the event
  • Premier Speaking Opportunities: Chance to Speak to Audience Pre-Main Event.
  • Event access – 8 VIP tickets, or one table valued at $1,000 with your name/logo and four general admission passes
  • Eight festival caps and four polo shirts
  • Prime Booth Location: Premier spot for maximum engagement close to the entrance gate.
  • Comprehensive Media Coverage: An opportunity to provide comments in all media engagements.
  • Dominant Digital Presence: Prominent feature in all digital marketing campaigns, including social media and websites.
  • Highlighted Media Presence: Top mention in press releases and interviews.
  • Merchandise Options: The objective is for branded festival merchandise, such as T-shirts, with your company name and logo.
Platinum Sponsor – $7,500
  • Signature Collaboration
  • Prime Logo Placement: Your logo featured as the main sponsor across materials including the electronic video screens on both sides of the stage commensurate with your Platinum Sponsorship status.
  • Secondary Stage Naming – Three Platinum Sponsors share naming of the secondary stage with permanent banners.
  • Signage: Two 4’ X 8’ and two 4’ X 4’ premium sign locations
  • Memorial: Receive an elegant Lucite memorial gift, showcasing the event logo, name, and date, alongside your name, logo, and contribution, as a lasting tribute to the event
  • Speaking Opportunities: Engage with attendees through speaking segments.
  • Event access – 6 VIP tickets, or one table valued at $500 with your name/logo and four general admission passes
  • Eight festival caps and four polo shirts
  • Featured Booth Space: High-traffic location for your promotional booth.
  • Leading Media Mentions: In press releases and interviews.
  • Robust Digital Recognition: Highlighted on the event website and social media.
  • Merchandise Options: The objective is for branded festival merchandise, such as T-shirts, with your company name and logo.
Gold Sponsor – $5,000
  • Logo Placement: Brand presence on various event materials including the electronic video screens on both sides of the stage commensurate with your Gold Sponsorship.
  • Public Acknowledgments: Frequent mentions during the festival.
  • Preferred Booth Space: Attract attendees at a well-placed booth.
  • Signage: Two 4’ X 8’ and one 4’ X 4’ sign locations positioned in high traffic areas. 
  • Event Access: 4 VIP and four general admission passes.
  • Four festival caps and four polo shirts
  • Digital Acknowledgment: Recognition on the event website and social media.
  • Merchandise Options: The objective is for branded festival merchandise, such as T-shirts, with your company name and logo.
Silver Sponsor – $2,500
  • Logo Placement: Brand presence on various event materials including the electronic video screens on both sides of the stage.
  • Booth Placement: one well-placed booth space.
  • Signage: One 4’ X 8’ and one 4’ X 4’ sign locations positioned in high visibility areas. 
  • Event Access: Two VIP and four general admission passes.
  • Two festival caps and four polo shirts
  • Online Website Mention: Your company listed on the event’s official website.
  • Merchandise Options: The objective is for branded festival merchandise, such as T-shirts, with your company name and logo.
Bronze Sponsor – $1,000
  • Booth Placement: one well-placed booth space.
  • Signage: Two 4’ X 4’ sign locations located in high traffic areas.  
  • One festival cap and one polo shirt
  • Online Website Mention: Your company listed on the event’s official website.
  • Merchandise Options: The objective is for branded festival merchandise, such as T-shirts, with your company name and logo.
General Sponsor – $500
  • Online Website Mention: Your company listed on the event’s official website.
  • Signage: One 4’ X 4’ sign location
  • Merchandise Options: The objective is for branded festival merchandise, such as T-Shirts, with your company name and logo.